Solitude: The exhibit

If you received my last post you’ll know that I now have on exhibit a photography solo show at AVA Gallery called “Solitude”.  I had decided on this title two months ago and it now seems almost prophetic.  We had a lovely, but very lightly attended opening on March 13, and the very next day, AVA closed their doors to the public due to the pandemic.  Solitude, indeed!  My exhibit is now hanging in solitude at AVA without an audience.  How ironic!

But, all is not lost.  I took the time to record the exhibit on video before responding to the call to self-isolate (I’m fine, just taking the requested precautions asked of us all).  So, in case you were hoping to visit the gallery or if you’re far away and would like to get a sense of the artwork, here is a video tour of the exhibit.

(If you can’t see the video, try reloading the page.)

Here is a link to my Artist Statement in case you’d like some background behind my thinking that went into this body of work and the show.


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