Artist’s talk and video

Since March 13 my solo exhibit at AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH, entitled “Solitude” has been hanging in solitude while we were shut-down because of COVID concerns.  During that time, the good folks at AVA have kindly opened the member gallery several times for me and my dance/movement collaborator, Marie Fourcaut, to record a movement response to the exhibit (socially distancing, of course).  This was a new venture for me as I really knew very little about video editing before this.  So, it was a steep learning process, but I’m pleased with the final outcome.

Entitled “Memories in Solitude”, the video is now complete and will be shown as part of an online artist’s talk I’ll be giving at AVA on Sunday, August 16 at 6:00 pm.  To register, please email me and I’ll send you the Zoom link.  In the meantime, and in case you can’t make it to the talk, feel free to watch it here.

Also, AVA has now opened up the gallery for in-person, socially distant viewing by appointment.  Click here to reserve a time to see the exhibit.

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