Story Cards: Deck of 25 (B)


The Revealed Presence® Story Card Deck B consists of 25 vertically oriented cards the size of standard postcards.  These cards are all selected from the photos and questions posted on the Revealed Presence photo blog.  Each card has an image on the front side and a question on the back.  These cards can be used for personal and photographic inspiration as well as ice-breakers or conversation starters.  See examples


Deck B Sample Front and BackRevealed Presence® Story Cards work beautifully in group settings, but can also be used to create more intimacy in one-on-one conversations or to deepen individual meditation practices. Click here to learn more about the story of Story Cards.

Here are some ideas for how you could use a Story Card deck for storytelling, conversation and inspiration:

Group facilitation ice breakers

Photo only: Ask people to chose a card that reflects some aspect of a question related to the work of the group.  As an introduction ask them to tell a story about why they chose the image.

Photo and Question: As people enter the room ask them to select an image they are drawn to but not to look at the back of the card.  Ask each person to tell a story about why they chose the image, and then have them turn the card over and answer the question briefly without having thought about it in advance.

Photo and Question: Have one person choose a card randomly from the deck and then have each person in the group reflect on the image and/or question by telling a personal story evoked by the card.

Group problem solving

Clarify the problem or issue confronted by the group and together arrive at a question that captures the essence of the problem.  As you consider that question, have each person pull a card randomly.  Reflect on the image and question.  As a group, consider how what the card presents might open or expand your understanding of the problem or issue.

Family/Friend gatherings where you want to deepen the conversation

Photo and Question: Have one person choose a card randomly from the deck and then have each person in the group reflect on the image and/or the question by telling a personal story evoked by the card.

Daily personal inspiration

Photo and Question: Randomly pull a card each day and use the photo and question to reflect on an important quality or focus for the day.