
Resources for becoming a confident public speaker

Retired after 15 years as a public speaking coach,Carla Kimball took an unusual approach to public speaking. She worked from inside-out, not giving you a list of things to remember, but rather helping you find a calm, quiet center from which to speak.  This is because her simple and practical strategies and tools can be practiced in everyday life and interactions, not just when you making a formal presentation.

Carla has recorded a set of videos and written two workbooks to help you discover your own innate quality of presence.  They are filled with articles and exercises to practice what you’ve learned.

  • Seven Crown Jewels of Presence in Speaking, Leading and Life! Carla has distilled what she’s learned about presence as a public speaking coach into a series of seven videos. They speak to core principles of humanity, humility, authenticity, and service and each of these leads to a sense of presence. Here’s a brief introduction to this video series:

  • SpeakingPresence Toolkit:  Describes the mental models that get in the way of speaking with presence and those that help you create a sense of presence. Filled with articles and exercises to support you in your journey towards speaking confidence.
  • The ABCs of Presence in Speaking, Leading, and Life!:  A workbook of 26 articles and related exercises to help you over come your fear of public speaking.

Public Speaking Blog Posts: Carla was a prolific writer in the field of public speaking presence and has compiled her many articles into separate blog posts.  These articles are timeless and can be enjoyed at any time.