My Story with New Eyes

This winter I had the very great privilege of teaching, for the second time, an eight week photography class at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Aging Resource Center.  My Story with New Eyes was a contemplative photography program for people with memory challenges and their care partners.  Not only did we take and review hundreds of photos during this class, participants also wrote poems to accompany a selected group of favorite photos.  These photos and poems are now on exhibit at the Aging Resource Center until June 26 and an artists’ reception (my story reception flyer) will be held Monday, April 10 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.  If you are in the area, please come and meet the artists and see their work.




Many thanks to the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts & National Endowment for the Arts and Team Alzheimer’s for their generous support of this program.

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