The Soul of a Red Chair and a Jacket

Our performance date is rapidly approaching!  As I announced in an earlier post, my Red Chair exhibit at Woodstock, Vermont’s SculptureFest last year has spread its wings, having become the springboard for a dance/theater performance piece, with choreography and direction by Marie Fourcaut and videography by Alek Deva. Ensemble Marie will be offering a free performance of  Inanimate Objects, Do you have a soul? in the atrium of the Dartmouth College Black Family Visual Arts Center at 2:00 on Sunday, June 18.

We were delighted when Susan Apel, blogger for the ArtfulEdge, came to watch an ensemble rehearsal this week.  She wrote about what she saw and experienced in an article entitled Ensemble Marie: Does the Sport Coat have a Soul? and posted it to the DailyUV.

This has been quite a remarkable experience for me.  If you are free on the 18th and in the area, it would be lovely if you could come see what Marie, Alek and the dancers have created.  We’re all very excited to experience how this multi-media piece will come together.

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