Seeing with New Eyes Workshop: July 16

A contemplative approach to photography

(I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be offering this workshop once again.)

Blue Stools

The advent of the digital camera has made photography much more accessible to everyone. But what do we take photos of? Snapshots of friends and family? Scenic views? Beautiful sunsets?

In this workshop we’ll use the camera to look at the world differently. Drawing on contemplative photography practices, we’ll discover the beauty and mystery in the ordinary. This is not a technique class, although we might touch on technique as we seek to refine an image. This IS a class where you’ll practice becoming quiet inside so that you can truly see what’s in front of you and discover the wealth of imagery that’s always right there if you just pay attention.

We’ll do a series of exercises with and without the camera to help you begin to look at the world differently.

  • Using mindfulness practices, we’ll begin to slow down enough to really see what’s in front of us.
  • We’ll learn not to depend on our expectations of what things should be but rather see things as they are.
  • We’ll begin to discover beauty in the utterly ordinary and find ways to capture it through our camera.

When: Saturday, June 25: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

LocationOpen Door, 18 North Main Street, White River Junction, VT

Price: $125


For a free preview of this class, please come to a one-hour presentation at the Upper Valley Coop on June 4 at 2:00.

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