New Tai Chi Basics classes for the Fall, 2015

taichi_front_fall_webWhile I’ve had many careers in my adult life (computer operator, software developer, software teacher, human resources manager, stress management consultant, public speaking coach, photographer), the one constant throughout has been some form of body movement/awareness practice.  I began in college as a modern dancer, then moved from there to yoga, tai chi, authentic movement and meditation.  I’ve taught yoga, dance and meditation at various times in my career. And, I’m currently enrolled in a Tai Chi Elements teacher training program with my long time Tai Chi mentor, Peter Wayne. To this day I continue to make all five body movement/awareness modalities an important part of my day-to-day life.

I’m now offering two classes for the fall session with an introduction to Tai Chi and QiQong on Tuesday evening Oct 20 at 6:00.  This will be an opportunity to learn about the benefits of Tai Chi.  Please join us!


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