New Tai Chi Basics classes for the Fall, 2015

While I’ve had many careers in my adult life (computer operator, software developer, software teacher, human resources manager, stress management consultant, public speaking coach, photographer), the one constant throughout has been some form of body movement/awareness practice.  I began in college as a modern dancer, then moved from there to yoga, tai chi, authentic movement and More…

Closing the Presence Gap: Simple tools for rediscovering this innate leadership ability

(The three people described below are each composites of a number of clients who have come through my public speaking  programs and services.) Jane was bright, experienced, and the only female on her work team. Frustrated, she felt that nothing she said at team meetings was taken seriously and her participation was frequently discounted or More…

Absence: The Number One Obstacle to Presence

(Original article copyrighted in 2008) I was at a team meeting recently where a group of us were talking about the leadership training program in an organization employing about 275 people. One person in the group asked the CEO, “What’s the opposite of leadership?” The CEO without any hesitation immediately said, “Absence!” How interesting! I More…